Monday, December 04, 2006

Now you wonder. Why is he back ?? Ran out of work to do ?? No studies ?? What is he doing here ?? I tell ya.

And you wonder. What could he have missed on saying, that he had to return to write back. Again. There were thoughts that still needed that breathing space, you know... And by breathing space, I mean, the space right in your head, when you would ponder over my thoughts and wonder.

And you wonder. So why make a new blog ?? Was the old one too lame ?? The old one had a different theme altogether. There, it was about things that happened, that you wanted to tell the world about, but you never really could.

And you wonder. What would make this blog different from the previous one ?? First, I liked blogger (blogspot) over blogsource. This one's gonna be more straight forward, more blunt, more abusive. So everyone around who gives a weasel's ass about their names being mentioned , could dump their pumpkin heads in the ladies toilet seat.

And you wonder. Why is it called blank emptiness ??

Stop wondering. Read on.


Isha said...

more straghtforward, more blunt, more abusive?...lets see :-)

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

for all those who havent read the older one ....

mithilesh said...

nothing special ...[:P]
nothing interesting ...[:X]
nothing amazing ...[;)]
nothing blessing ...[:)]
1 thing bt nt nething is ...
4 me nothing is ...

N => not always
O => ordinary
T => test less
h => hammering
I => illusive
N => n(atural)
G => geeing