Friday, February 23, 2007

Physics tells us that everything on this planet will fail us eventually.

Trust me. fall in love: your scars will tell the same story. Entropy, pain, beauty, love, hope... mix them together and call it living.

The choice that remains is where we go to find meaning and truth. The biggest failures and disappointments in my life have led me to look beyond what money or power or friends can buy.

When you're face down at the very bottom of who you are, and there is no formality or pretence to cling to, all your masks fall off. In this broken world, our lives can be seen for what they are, no more no less; we are ourselves.

The question is this: What happens after we realised that our lives have failed ??? Do we become bitter and hateful or does redemption come into focus? I've been on both sides...only one is beautiful.

Shwetak Farts. Exits.

1 comment:

aj said...

oh thankssssssssss
dat m name is at last embedded on ur blogsssss
so dis 1 i liked :)
may b dis encourages me 2 send u more of (like dis) links
jus wait,dont worry, ill flood u by my words of wisdom vry soon